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Vegetables Dream Meaning

Written by on November 29, 2021

Dreams about vegetables can be interpreted in various ways. It all depends on the quality of the vegetables, their look and the personal actions of the dreamer. Vegetables most often symbolize some choice, but in general they promise a bit negative events: hard work, losses and worries.

Fruits in a dream have a more positive meaning: love, reward, cognition. If you see a dream about fruits and vegetables together, they reflect the overall result of past actions, the nature of which is determined by the state of the crop. In addition, fruits in a dream symbolize the desires and the possibility of their realization.

If you saw many different vegetables in a dream, they guarantee tears and chagrin on serious reasons.

If you saw a huge basket full of good quality and ripe vegetables, you will have great success without many efforts. It is even a better sign if someone gave you such basket as a gift in a dream. The image promises well-being and prosperity. The dreambook ensures easy childbirth and a healthy baby for a pregnant lady-dreamer.

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