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Students dance nearly 16 miles in conga line to break world record

Written by on June 20, 2023

Student Conga-Line Endures 64 Laps around GHS Track, Breaking Guinness  World Record | Greenwich Free Press

A team of Connecticut high schoolers danced for nearly 16 miles in a conga line to break a world record and raise money for an adult day care center.

The Conga4All event, organized by Greenwich High School junior Omar Galal, saw Galal lead a conga line for 64 laps around the track at the school’s Cardinal Stadium.

The students danced for nearly 16 miles to break the Guinness World Record for longest distance danced in a conga line, which was set at 15.53 miles by a group of dancers in the Netherlands in February 2020.

The Greenwich attempt is now being submitted to GWR for official recognition.

The event raised $8,500 for River House Adult Day Center by the end of the 64th lap, with fundraising efforts still ongoing.

Source : UPI News

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