Author: Angie Sharma
Page: 27
Floods are often associated with the idea of purification and starting afresh. In dreams, a flood may signify the need for emotional cleansing, releasing negative emotions or past traumas, and embracing a fresh start. Loss and Grief. Dreams about a flood can also symbolize loss and grief.
An Idaho dad of quintuplets broke a Guinness World Record by pushing a stroller with five children inside a distance of 1 kilometer in 5 minutes and 34 seconds. Chad Kempel of Eagle took to the track at Eagle High School and pushed a quintuple stroller carrying his children, Savannah, 8; Avery, 7; and 5-year-olds […]
Having a dog bite you in a dream can indicate internal aggression. Such a vision helps you get in touch with your impulse in an attempt to acknowledge and control it. A ferocious animal in a dream can signify your own anger and hostility toward someone or something.
A Jordan man’s speedy math skills earned him a Guinness World Record for the fastest time to mentally count letters in 10 sentences. Mohammad Sayaheen, 51, of Irbid, discovered his talent for fast calculation when he was in school. I realized my ability to calculate fast in secondary school, almost by accident,” Sayaheen told Guinness World […]
The dream is positive if you receive a friend in your house, and it suggests good relationships with others. Friends in dreams can be omens of your past. Our dreams can contain messages about others: maybe in ways, we could help them or warnings to stay away from them! If you dream suddenly that a friend […]
A 13-year-old girl combined her love of scuba diving with her passion for magic and broke a Guinness World Record for doing 38 tricks in 3 minutes while underwater. Avery Emerson Fisher donned her scuba gear and went into the tunnel tank at the Aquarium of the Bay in San Francisco. Fisher was recorded performing […]
This dream symbolizes possible problems or some kind of danger. You might experience an unpleasant situation in traffic. It is also possible that you will have some minor health issues. Dreaming of a swarm of hornets This dream has the same meaning as the previous one. The only difference is that this dream suggests bigger […]
A 17-year-old high school senior broke a Guinness World Record on her lunch break by sinking nine basketball half-court shots in a row. Maddison Neale of Parker, Colo., took to her high school’s gym during her lunch break and successfully broke the Guinness World Record for the most consecutive basketball half-court shots just six minutes […]
To see a princess in your dream mean that you will have temporary happiness, have your head in the clouds, and crow over. Alternatively, it is telling you that you won’t know the value of your own money, you should save money for your needs in the future. To meet, speak with a princess in your […]
A Nigerian woman spent 11 days creating a 1,152-foot, 5-inch long handmade wig that was certified as the longest in the world. Guinness World Records confirmed professional wigmaker Helen Williams earned the title for the world’s longest handmade wig with her impressively long faux-locks. Williams said she used 1,000 bundles of hair, 12 cans of hair spray, […]