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Alternatively, a zoo suggests that your abilities and talents are going unnoticed. You or an aspect of your life feels caged in. The zoo may also represent chaos and confusion as implied by the common phrase “this place is a zoo!” You may need to tidy up some situation in your life.
An arranged marriage in the dream with the forced marriage proposal; suggests that someone is forcing you to do something you do not want. You are reluctantly moving into a new stage in your life and have no voice nor control in the situation.
To dream about a thief stealing and robbing you without knowing or being present; indicates that specific significant life changes will occur without you knowing. Certain problems and issues are happening in the background without you knowing. It is a sign that you might lose specific business opportunities. Competitors are going to find ways to […]
To see parrot coming into your house or apartment, portends not to be trusting of those who enter your life. Be especially careful if you are sharing private details and secrets. As this person who will betray your confidence and leak your comments and thoughts with others easily.
To dream about being scared of your safety or well being like getting burned from fire, fits as a warning that you might enter certain bad situations that could be hazardous to your health. Perhaps you might not realize it on the spot. But your subconscious is flashing warning signs and trying to show you the […]
To dream that you are killing a grasshopper; symbolizes that you will destroy some type of relationship or commitment with a flaky person. It foretells that you might get divorced from someone who might be cheating or having affairs. Or it could relate to a business associate or employee who is flaky and untrustworthy.
Wear bandages in the dream suggests that someone or something has caused you emotional pain. You are hurting on the inside. However, you will manage to keep a happy and tidy appearance on the outside. Other people will have a hard time truly understanding how much pain you are experiencing.
Seeing fire or fireballs falling or raining from the sky typically represents a warning of some authoritative figures’ upcoming threat. At work, upper management may be considering a major layoff that affects many people, including you. If you are observing flames in the faraway sky, it means that trouble is brewing. It would help if […]
Always consider your own emotions when you take a test. In general, taking a test or exam typically means that you are being judged or scrutinized. Judgment can be goals that you have set for yourself. Or it could be validations that you need from others. Do you feel great, confident, and at ease? Are […]
To dream about someone chasing you with a broom; suggests that someone is critical of you in waking life. Particularly, someone with high expectations of you such as your parents or significant other. They are expecting to excel. However, you secretly despise their expectation of you.