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What Flower Dreams Mean

Written by on May 23, 2023

Flower | Definition, Parts, Anatomy, Types,& Facts | Britannica

Dreaming of flowers blooming are positive symbols suggesting new growth in your life is taking place. It can be associated with your inner energies depending the rose, or relates to events to come in the future.

White Flower Garland connects the dreamer to a union or marriage in their lives. A celebration of two forces joining together to make something whole. SeeĀ wedding dreams.

If you noticed a Lotus flower in your dreams is considered a powerful symbol regarded in many different cultures as a sign of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration, transformation and rebirth.

Tulips tend to appear in our dream that brings the dreamer to love and passion. However depending the color, location and who may have givin it to you will alter the meaning of the dream.

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