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21 Shocking Laws In North Korea

Written by on June 26, 2023

North Korea never ceases to amaze the whole world. Despite the fact that this country is closed to ordinary tourists, and you are unlikely to see a photo from there on Instagram, nevertheless, sometimes interesting information about this country does get out.

Ridiculously Shocking Laws In North Korea

The country is considered the most closed country, which is not surprising given the number of terrible laws. The state takes away fundamental rights from its citizens and imposes strange totalitarian rules on them.

1. Foreign movies, and songs are not allowed

North Koreans Not allowed to watch foreign movies and listing foreign songs

Watching foreign movies or listening to foreign music can send North Korean citizens to jail. In 2015, North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong-un ordered the destruction of all cassette tapes and CDs that had state-banned songs in order to contain dissent. Watching American movies or distributing pornography can lead to the death penalty. There are only three channels on TV in North Korea, and all content is controlled by the government.

2. Making International calls is a crime

Making International calls is a crime and can led to death penalty in North Korea

North Korean citizens can not make international calls as it’s considered a crime there. According to reports, in 2007 a North Korean factory boss was executed by a firing squad in front of 150,000 people after being accused of making international calls on 13 phones he installed in a factory basement.

3. Disloyalty to the leader can mean the death penalty

Disloyalty to leader offense in North Korea

Falling asleep during a meeting with Kim Jong-un is considered disloyalty to the leader and may also lead to the death penalty. According to reports, in 2015, North Korea’s Defence Minister Hyon Yong-chol was gunned down by anti-aircraft fire in front of 100 people for behaviour such as falling asleep in Kim Jong-un’s presence.

4. Three-generation punishment

Three generation punishment in North Korea

If anyone commits a crime in North Korea, not only he or she will be punished, but also their grandparents, parents and children. This terrible law was created to prevent people from escaping from prison.

5. Only government-approved haircuts

Only Government-approved haircut in North Korea

All men and women can only do one of 28 government-approved haircuts, 18 for women, and 10 for men; other hairstyles are prohibited. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un introduced this law in 2013 and did not include his hairstyle on this list because he wanted to keep it unique and absolutely no one can dare to copy his hairstyle. It is assumed that married women should wear shorter haircuts than unmarried women.

6. Own basketball rules

North Korea have their own basketball rules

The government of North Korea has changed the basketball games. For example, a slam dunk is worth 3 points, not 2, 2-point shots in the last three minutes of the game are worth 8 points. Also, if you miss 3 shots, a point is deducted.

7. Permission needed to live in the national capital

Need permission to live in the National capital in North Korea

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un wants only the most successful, wealthy and influential people to live in North Korea’s Pyongyang. People must have an express permission to live in the capital.

8. Students required to pay for their own desks and chairs

Students require their own desks and chairs in North Korea

The students must pay for their desks and chairs in the class! School fees don’t cover this.

9. Bible is banned in North Korea

Bible is banned in North Korea

In North Korea, the Bible is considered a symbol of Western culture and is therefore prohibited because it can transform people. One Christian woman who was distributing the Bible was arrested and executed. In 2014, Jeffrey Fowle, an American citizen on a tour of North Korea, was arrested and imprisoned for five months because he forgot the Bible in the bathroom of a restaurant at the Chongjin Sailor’s Club.

10. No iPhones or laptops

No iPhone or laptops in North Korea

No iPhones, TVs or laptops from the aforementioned brands for North Koreans! The people of this country know very little about electronics and technology, as the government’s isolation policy hides a lot.


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