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Author: Angie Sharma

Page: 33

  A Canadian man ate 50 of the world’s hottest chili peppers in a record-breaking 6 minutes and 49.2 seconds — and then went on to eat 85 more. Vegan speed-eater Mike Jack took on the Guinness World Record for the fastest time to eat 50 Carolina reapers, which average 1.64 million Scoville Heat Units — hundreds […]

Using a band-aid or other adhesive glue bandage tape in the dream represents some temporary solutions. You will implement quick fixes to distract yourself from things that bother you. Perhaps you will find something to keep yourself busy. You no longer have to worry about things or people that hurt you. This is not necessarily a bad thing, […]

A Virginia man bought 24 tickets bearing the numbers 8-8-8-8 for the same Pick 4 drawing and ended up winning a total $120,000. Dennis Fears of Chesapeake told Virginia Lottery officials he bought 24 identical tickets for the same Pick 4 drawing at the 7-Eleven store on Portsmouth Boulevard in Chesapeake. Fears’ number combination, 8-8-8-8, paid off […]

Dreaming about rice paddy, rice fields, or farms; is indicative that you are on the right track to achieving your goals of prosperity and fertility. However, be careful about not forgetting who or what has made your success. Be grateful for your own hard work as well as other people’s assistance. Dream About Harvesting Rice […]

A Canadian dog’s unusual skill earned him a Guinness World Records title when he removed 21 socks from the feet of volunteers in one minute. The Australian shepherd, named Daiquiri, and his owner, Jennifer Fraser, traveled to Italy to attempt the record on the set of TV series Lo Show Dei Record. Fraser issued commands to […]

To dream about a traffic jam that holds you up for no reason in the dream; is a sign that you are currently unable to move forward. You do not understand why you are stuck. Consider figuring out the reasons why the traffic is stopping you. Look at the social trends and believes around you. […]

    A Pennsylvania school district is hailing the arrival of the “Twin-dergarten” school year, with 17 sets of twins starting kindergarten in the 2023-24 school year. The Colonial School District in Montgomery County said seven pairs of twins are starting kindergarten at Ridge Park Elementary school, six sets are attending Whitemarsh Elementary School and four are […]

Dreaming about earthquakes usually means that an unexpected change in your life may happen soon. The shakeup can occur at any point in your life. This is when it is important to take note of the context while the earthquake happens. The location where you experience the earthquake in the dream may be where the […]

The National Plowing Championships in Ireland hosted a Guinness World Record attempt where 995 people threw Wellington boots into the air at the same time. The annual agricultural show and plowing contest in Ratheniska, County Laois, featured hundreds of waterproof rubber boots flying through the air at the same time in a record attempt organized by youth […]

Turtle biting you in a dream can be a warning sign. Someone loyal to you for a long time may be out of patience with you. He or she may even be unfaithful due to the lack of patience. For example, it may be a long-term boyfriend or girlfriend who may be running out of […]