Author: Angie Sharma
Page: 37
An Idaho restaurant unofficially broke a Guinness World Record by assembling a Philly cheesesteak sandwich measuring 722.8 feet long. The Main Street Grill in Lewiston, operated by Happy Days Restaurants, hosted the record attempt in the city’s Seventh Street alleyway. The restaurant’s team, aiming for the goal of 700 feet, assembled a Philly cheesesteak measuring 722.8 feet, beating […]
Dream About Collecting Shells Collecting shells in the dream indicates that you will see great treasure where other people see trash. Consider recycling dreams where you see the best in people. You see the beauty of everything in waking life. Dream About Breaking Shells Breaking through different shells in the dream, suggests that you are breaking through other’s […]
A pilot came to the rescue of an American Girl doll accidentally left behind at a Tokyo airport by a 9-year-old Texas girl. Rudy and Celeste Dominguez discovered after returning to the United States from their trip to Bali, Indonesia, that their daughter, Valentina, was missing her doll, Beatrice. The doll was last seen on […]
Suppose you dream about a marriage proposal from a person you are dating or romantically involved with. It reflects that you do want to marry the person in the future. If they are a potential candidate but you are not romantically together; you subconsciously think that they may be the perfect one. You wish to be in […]
A Swedish man participating in a contest organized by the Disgusting Food Museum ate 13.85 ounces of fermented fish in one minute, earning him a Guinness World Record. The Disgusting Food Museum in Malmö organized a speed eating competition for surströmming, a traditional Swedish delicacy consisting of fermented herring that has been salted just enough […]
To see a caged animal in the dreams indicates that you or someone has full control of the situation. In addition, the caged animals may refer to employees, students, or customers that someone may take advantage of. Dream About Caged Birds The dream about caged birds likes a peacock simply that you are feeling like a jailbird. […]
A California man’s home security camera was recording when a bear broke into his apartment, foraged for food, wrecked his TV and took a nap on his bed. The Kings Beach resident, identified as Brian, said he was boating with friends on Lake Tahoe when his phone received an alert from his Ring camera that motion was […]
Seeing another company or business going bankrupt in the dream, suggests there is mismanagement in an area of your life. You are seeing failures all around you, and you worry if your weakness might be the next domino to fall.
A North Carolina man decided to try playing the lottery’s Cash 5 drawing for the first time and ended up winning the $331,792 jackpot. Michael Eaves, of Clinton, told North Carolina Education Lottery officials he used the lottery’s mobile app to buy a $1 Quick Pick ticket for Wednesday’s Cash 5 drawing. It was my first time playing […]
To see parrot coming into your house or apartment, portends not to be trusting of those who enter your life. Be especially careful if you are sharing private details and secrets. As this person who will betray your confidence and leak your comments and thoughts with others easily.