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For many women (some surveys suggest about 25%), leaving the house without lipstick is like leaving the house without clothing! National Lipstick Day is here to show appreciation for and celebrate this little tube with a big impact. History of National Lipstick Day For thousands of years, people have been interested in improving their appearance […]

How is milk chocolate different from other chocolates? It’s a mix of cocoa solids and either dry or condensed milk. While dark chocolate is traditionally used as a baking ingredient, this lighter version is used to make chocolate candy bars, hot chocolate, and many other delicious desserts. Did you know that chocolate actually has mood-enhancing […]

National Aunt and Uncle Day is, as the name suggests, a day to celebrate a special set of relatives – your Aunts and Uncles. Learn about National Aunt and Uncle Day “Only an aunt can give hugs like a mother, keep secrets like a sister, and share love like a friend.” The amount of aunts […]

Life wouldn’t be the same without best friends. They’re the friends that can be counted on to be there at a moment’s notice. The ones who love, laugh, support, and cherish – in both good and bad times. Friendships are an indestructible bond that join many people together in beautiful ways. Celebrating best friends day […]

Let’s face it, most people can be found guilty of holding on to many different things from the past that tend to hurt, annoy, confuse or anger them. What may matter the most is how long people tend to hold onto them, or how equipped they are to let them go. For some it can […]

Holi is a Hindu festival that has been celebrated since ancient times. The Holi Festival is celebrated as a way to welcome in spring, and also is seen as a new beginning where people can release all their inhibitions and start fresh. It is said that during the Holi Festival, the gods turn a blind […]

Mother, sisters, wives, girlfriends, and fiancees…what would we ever do without them? Nobody can honestly say we don’t owe an enormous amount to the women in our lives, from the mothers who made us chicken soup when we were sick as children, to the sisters who helped us decide what to wear on our first […]

Announced by UNESCO in 1999, International Mother Language Day celebrates cultural diversity and commemorates the “language martyr” students of 1952 Bangladesh. These students are honored by the encouragement of multiculturalism and the promotion of protective measures for endangered languages. It’s hard to imagine the challenges faced by students who have been ordered to learn in a foreign […]

Almonds, a bite-sized little nut common in trail mix and other breakfast and snack recipes. More likely than not, you’ve tried an almond before. But, did you know there is an entire day devoted to the celebration of almonds?! National Almond Day is a reason for foodies to celebrate! Health Benefits of Almonds If you […]

Victorians might have been considered obsessed with the symbolism of flowers in their time! Flowers were used to express their feelings and roses were symbols of the most intimate, passionate types of love. And now, Rose Day is here to bring even more meaning to these expressions of love! History of Rose Day The cultivation […]