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The Elephant – Undisputed King of Animal Sniffers!

Written by on January 17, 2022

African Elephants – Mammals with the best smelling sense on earth!

Why elephants have amazing senses - Blog

Elephants trunk is flexible and can be shortened or lengthened and moved in all directions. The trunk is not only useful to carry logs, or help elephants eat or spray water on themselves; it has the unique ability to make elephants smell water from a great distance.

The Elephant's Superb Nose - The New York Times

An elephant trunk has three nostrils. By raising their trunks high, elephants are able to gather scent particles in the air. These particles pass through seven olfactory organs filled with millions of cells. It is these sensory cells that can differentiate between various smells. These scent particles also help the elephants with the direction of water and how far it is.

Funimals!: Elephant Communication

African elephants can beat a bloodhound’s sniffing abilities. They even use their trunks to detect predators and potential danger at a distance or even food.

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