World Jellyfish Day – 3rd November
Written by Sneh Chaudhry on November 3, 2022
Although World Jellyfish Day may sound a bit odd to some, it only makes sense to celebrate an invertebrate that has been on this earth for millions of years longer than humans. So, this event is meant to honour our slightly slimy counterparts that can sometimes cause a bit of consternation at the beach.

History of World Jellyfish Day
Most people feel that the informal origins of World Jellyfish Day likely stem from a group of enthusiastic marine biologists–or simply through those who merely respect the simplicity of these strange and yet beautiful creatures. The largest populations of jellyfish are prevalent in the southern hemisphere, in places like Australia and South Africa where the beaches are teeming with these interesting (and sometimes dangerous) creatures.
World Jellyfish Day has been slated to fall in the springtime in the southern hemisphere, as this is the season when jellyfish will begin their migration to the shores of the northern hemisphere.
How to Celebrate World Jellyfish Day
Obviously, commemorating this event can be a bit difficult. Clearly, it’s not possible to take a jellyfish out to dinner nor would it enjoy a day at the spa.
However, simply travelling to the beach in hopes of catching a glimpse of one is one fun idea that could be implemented. Try out these other ideas to enjoy the celebration of World Jellyfish Day:
Learn Fun Facts About Jellyfish
Get on board with this day by paying heed to the Jellyfish and learning more about its life. Try out these fun facts to share with friends when reminding them that it’s World Jellyfish Day:
- A group of jellyfish is called a “bloom”, a “swarm” or a “smack”. That’s such a fun way to refer to a collection of these unique and interesting creatures.
- Jellyfish not only do not have bones or a heart, but they also do not actually have a brain–only a central nervous system. This, however, does not keep them from being smart and able to adapt to their environments.
- Some jellyfish can glow in the dark! The ones that have this feature have bioluminescent organs that emit either green or blue light, which is activated by touch. This functions as protection as it aims to startle a predator.
- One giant species of jellyfish is called Hair Jelly. The largest ever recorded was found washed up in Massachusetts, USA, in 1870. It had tentacles that were more than 120 feet long–even longer than a blue whale!
Consider Getting a Pet Jellyfish
Although many jellyfish are not safe, some species can be kept as pets, such as the Moon Jellyfish (Aurelia Aurita) or the Sea Nettle jellyfish.
As saltwater creatures, jellyfish can be a bit more complicated than an average goldfish but, when well cared for, they can live a happy life that lasts several months to several years.