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An Idaho man drank a liter of lemon juice through a straw in 13.64 seconds, earning a potential Guinness World Records title — and a nasty stomachache. David Rush, who has broken more than 250 Guinness World Records and currently holds 164 titles, previously held the title for the fastest time to drink 1 liter […]
Cross-dressing is generally not received well, but at the Kottankulangara Devi temple at Chavara near here, it’s different — hundreds of men cutting across religions dress up like women as part of a traditional ritual to please the deity and get their wishes fulfilled. Incidentally, this is the only temple in Kerala with no roof […]
Firefighters in Florida came to the rescue of a tree trimmer who became stuck in a malfunctioning bucket truck about 30 feet over the ground. The St. Lucie County Fire District said a call came in about 2 p.m. Thursday reporting a tree trimmer was stranded in a bucket about 30 feet in the air. They arrived […]
A Maine baseball team announced it has officially taken the Guinness World Record for the longest line of whoopie pies. The Portland Sea Dogs teamed up with the Maine Whoopie Pie Festival and Wicked Whoopies to attempt the record for the longest line of whoopie pies in June of last year, but the process of having […]

The human body is so strange that no matter how much research one does about its functioning, one cannot know it accurately. Some things always come to light that we have not even imagined. A similar case has come to light from Vietnam. What was found in a person’s stomach here was shocking to the […]
A professional escape artist inaugurated a new Guinness World Records category when he escaped from a water tank in 2 minutes and 11 seconds while his hands and feet were restrained. Guinness World Records announced escapologist Andrew Basso is now the first person to hold the record for fastest time to escape from a water […]
World Tuberculosis (TB) Day is celebrated on March 24 annually to spread awareness around the deadly disease. Know all about the day. Tuberculosis, an infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs, is one of the leading killer diseases that led to 1.3 million deaths in 2022. Caused by a type of bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis, […]

The dream may also come true! A husband and wife living in London woke up in the morning. But as soon as I looked at the phone, I was shocked. There were stocks and shares worth billions of rupees in the husband’s bank account. He thought that maybe he had hit a jackpot. He was […]
Ramadan is a month of fasting, reflection, devotion, generosity, and sacrifice observed by Muslims around the world. Over the centuries, Ramadan has retained its passionate spiritual meaning. The word “Ramadan” comes from the Arabic word for “Parched Thirst” and “Sun-Baked Ground.” It is meaningful of the hunger and thirst felt by those who spend the […]
A pair of Florida women are attempting to create a new Guinness World Record by driving 500 miles down the state’s coast in a pair of toy cars. Cassie Aran and her friend, Lauren, who requested her last name be withheld, are documenting their adventures on social media after setting off from Friendship Fountain in Jacksonville in […]